I have many patients that come into my clinic who are taking Clomid and want to do Acupuncture, in conjunction, to help improve their chances of conception. Now I’m not anti-Clomid but understanding how it works can help you decide whether timed intercourse is better for you vs IUI. The goal of Clomid is to…
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You know at the end of the day all you need is one month with one good egg. This is what I tell my patients all the time. Now as we get older, our ability to reproduce diminishes. It’s nature’s way of preventing us from reproducing. In general, nature likes when the healthy and strong…
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Whenever I have patients that are over weight, I really try to help them understand that in order to increase their chances of conception, they must lose weight. If you’ve read some of my other articles on my blog, you’ll notice a recurring theme. I focus on health and well being. If you are healthy…
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The pituitary gland shoots out FSH to produce follicles in the ovaries. Many factors can be involved with elevated levels of FSH but the most common is age. High FSH is commonly seen in older women. Although it is ideal to have lower FSH numbers, it doesn't mean that you can't get pregnant. I always…
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Prolactin is often associated with the hormone responsible for milk formation and production for breastfeeding. However, when a woman experiences high levels of prolactin when she is not breast feeding, it is an indication of hormonal imbalance. Most women can experience amenorrhea (no period/ovulation), or irregular periods, infertility, loss of libido, vaginal dryness and unwanted…
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First, it must be understood that in a given year, a woman should ovulate 12-13 times if her cycles are 28-30 days long. Irregular menstrual cycles can decrease the number of ovulations in a given year therefore decreasing your chances of conception. So having regular cycles @ 28-30 day cycles will maximize your chances of…
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Fertility will be much improved when a woman suffering with endometriosis is cleared up. Endometriosis is common gynecological condition that can be treated effectively with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs. Many women seeking to get pregnant may have difficulty if they have endometriosis. Western Medicine has theories on the cause of endometriosis, but they are only…
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Progesterone is very important for a woman’s fertility. One, Progesterone allows only the release of one egg at a time for a cycle. Two, it keeps the endometrium (uterine lining) in tact basically preventing the shedding of the endometrium. Finally, it elevates the body temperature creating a nice warm environment for a potential fertilized egg…
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Chronic PID is a condition that is more often seen in the clinic than Acute PID. Usually, only when it’s chronic that the patient seeks an alternative therapy since the antibiotics couldn’t do anything more. In Chronic PID, many women can experience lower abdominal pain, spotting/bleeding, painful intercourse, low back pain and abnormal vaginal discharge.…
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Amenorrhea (absence of period) will of course lead to infertility due to the lack of ovulation occurring. There can be a number of reasons why a woman can experience amenorrhea. First, the woman may be under severe physical and emotional stress. A female athlete who puts her body under excessive physical stress does not ovulate…
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