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Dawit Assefa, L.Ac, MAOM – Acupuncture Fertility & Women's Clinic


Welcome to the Acupuncture Fertility & Women's Clinic in Falls Church, VA
Dawit Assefa, L.Ac, MAOM

We are proud to serve the Northern Virginia (McLean, Annandale, Alexandria, Arlington, Falls Church), Washington DC and Maryland areas. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can be very beneficial in treating Infertility and Gynecological disorders and that realization is becoming ever more clear here in the US. This website will provide you information about the services at our clinic. The treatment approach is based on 1) Education 2) Actual Treatment and 3) Life Style Change. Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, and Life Style Counseling are the treatments offered at the clinic. Life Style Changes must be made to improve the chance of conception. Usually this involves addressing stress, diet, sleep and exercise. Furthermore, this site will be used as a resource tool to better understand the Menstrual Cycle, Gynecological Disorders, Infertility and it’s causes, and the benefits of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in treating Infertility and Gynecological Disorders. Please come back to this site as we are always expanding and growing to provide the information needed to improve Reproductive Health.

Special message for those suffering from PCOS

Although we treat many issues related to infertility at our clinic, we have very high success in treating PCOS, whether it is mild or severe, we can help.  Many of these patients will have a high AMH.  They may or may not have elevated blood sugar, hirsutism, irregular cycles or even amenorrhea, acne and obesity.  Hair loss and elevated testosterone levels may also exist.  PCOS patients having high levels of AMH indicate good ovarian reserve but the quality of those eggs can be compromised so PCOS patients are prone to miscarriage.  We can help PCOS patients improve egg quality.  Furthermore, many women with irregular cycles or amenorrhea feel like they're in limbo with their cycle.  They don't know if they've ovulated or whether they should be expecting their period.  We will educate PCOS patients so that they can better understand their cycle and where they are in their cycle.  We can also help regulate the cycle of PCOS patients.  If you are battling PCOS and have repeated miscarriages, irregular cycles or having poor results from IVF, we encourage you to call our clinic to see how we can help.

Conditions Treated

• Advanced Maternal Age Infertility
• Unexplained Infertility
• Premature Ovarian Failure (POF)
• High FSH
• Male Factor Infertility
• Recurrent miscarriage
• Menopausal symptoms
• Vaginismus
• Impotence/erectile dysfunction

• Luteal Phase Defect
• High FSH
• High Prolactin (Prolactinemia)
• Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
• Irregular Menstrual Cycles
• Vulvodynia
• Chronic vaginosis/yeast infection

• Amenorrhea (including post pill amenorrhea)
• Immunological Infertility
• Endometriosis
• Fibroids
• Ovarian Cysts
• Abnormal/Excessive Uterine Bleeding
• And much more

Call today to see how we can help you!


  • After having difficult periods for years, I was finally diagnosed with Endometriosis. My doctor told me that conceiving would be difficult. I had surgery and things cleared up and had my first baby boy. However, the endometriosis came back and we wanted to have another baby. I had the surgery again, but was not able to get pregnant like before. I heard about Dawit through a friend and started Acupuncture and Herbs. He explained to me how my body was more run down after giving birth to my first baby and that we needed to heal the endometriosis and boost the energy of the body to make conception easier. It took 5 1/2 months, but I am so happy to report that I am 4 months pregnant as of today. Thank you Dawit!!!

  • My partner and I had been trying to conceive for close to a year when we decided to try acupuncture. Dawit is a wonderful acupuncturist. During our initial consultation he carefully went over the particulars of our situation. He recommended I try acupuncture once a week for a few months. He also made recommendations on diet, herbal supplements, and some books to read on improving fertility. The acupuncture sessions were great – I felt so relaxed and centered afterward. After about 3 months we found out we were pregnant. I continued acupuncture through the first three months of the pregnancy to help with morning sickness. Now, about a year later, we have a beautiful 2-month-old baby boy.

  • I went to Dawit for fertility treatment. He is one of the few acupuncturists in this area who is certified in Oriental reproductive medicine. I am in my late 30s (39 to be exact) and knew I was facing an uphill battle so I wanted all the help I could get. I liked that Dawit not only performs acupuncture and reflexology and used herbs, but also dispenses helpful diet and lifestyle tips. He truly cares about his patients and gives each patient all the time she needs, and never rushes through treatments. My husband and I were pleasantly surprised when we discovered that I was pregnant! I absolutely believe that without his help we would have continued to struggle, and I am so grateful to him for helping us make our dream of becoming parents come true. I continued to see him through my first trimester to help make the pregnancy “stick.” I noticed that I had a pretty easy first trimester, with no morning sickness, and I credit Dawit’s treatments for that. I am now halfway through the pregnancy and thrilled that in a matter of months, we will meet our baby. If we decide to have a second baby, I will definitely be back to see Dawit again!
