Special message for those suffering from PCOS
Although we treat many issues related to infertility at our clinic, we have very high success in treating PCOS, whether it is mild or severe, we can help. Many of these patients will have a high AMH. They may or may not have elevated blood sugar, hirsutism, irregular cycles or even amenorrhea, acne and obesity. Hair loss and elevated testosterone levels may also exist. PCOS patients having high levels of AMH indicate good ovarian reserve but the quality of those eggs can be compromised so PCOS patients are prone to miscarriage. We can help PCOS patients improve egg quality. Furthermore, many women with irregular cycles or amenorrhea feel like they're in limbo with their cycle. They don't know if they've ovulated or whether they should be expecting their period. We will educate PCOS patients so that they can better understand their cycle and where they are in their cycle. We can also help regulate the cycle of PCOS patients. If you are battling PCOS and have repeated miscarriages, irregular cycles or having poor results from IVF, we encourage you to call our clinic to see how we can help.
• Advanced Maternal Age Infertility
• Unexplained Infertility
• Premature Ovarian Failure (POF)
• High FSH
• Male Factor Infertility
• Recurrent miscarriage
• Menopausal symptoms
• Vaginismus
• Impotence/erectile dysfunction
• Luteal Phase Defect
• High FSH
• High Prolactin (Prolactinemia)
• Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
• Irregular Menstrual Cycles
• Vulvodynia
• Chronic vaginosis/yeast infection
• Amenorrhea (including post pill amenorrhea)
• Immunological Infertility
• Endometriosis
• Fibroids
• Ovarian Cysts
• Abnormal/Excessive Uterine Bleeding
• And much more